Father, in the name of Jesus, you said where two or more are gathered in your name, you will be in the midst.  I am coming to you with my sisters in Christ (your daughters), many of whom I will never meet on this earth, but who believe you, love you and walk in your righteousness.  Bless my sisters who have earthly jobs or careers, who are alone or who have families; my sisters who are mentally or physically ill; the ones who feel they have nothing except despair.  Help us know that you are a healer and deliverer of EVERYTHING. You see every wrong done to us and every disparaging thought and word against us.  You are the perfect avenger because vengeance belongs to you.  We have faith that you will repay everything and we thank you for every blessing.

Ephesians 6:12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

Father, sometimes these principalities, powers and rulers are so overwhelming while we wrestle, especially when we forget to rest in you.  But help us to remember that you have overcome this dark world as we allow your light to shine through us.  I pray that you go into all the dark hiding places and sift out the enemy, so we all see him.  Let us see you demolish every system that is against you and against the reason you came to this earth. 

We ask that you forgive our sins, hear our prayers, see our humility and light our way.

We bless your name, Amen.